Сетевой научный журнал «Мировые цивилизации»

2022 №3 - перейти к содержанию номера...

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Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи:

Ibraeva, А. К. Increasing the productivity of enterprises based on the development of interstate relations and joint ventures: world practice / А. К. Ibraeva // Мировые цивилизации. — 2022 №3. — URL: https://wcj.world/PDF/05ECMZ322.pdf (дата обращения: 22.10.2024).

Increasing the productivity of enterprises based on the development of interstate relations and joint ventures: world practice

Ibrayeva Aliya Kabyshevna
Shakarim University of Semey, Semey, Kazakhstan
E-mail: Zeretai@mail.ru

Abstract. The article considers the increase in competitiveness in the current economic conditions of industrial enterprises, which is becoming a priority, the solution is based on the formation of large clusters. Cluster operations can provide not only added value through high-tech industrial designs, but also develop sustainable competitive advantages of cluster member industries. This is because the use of cluster strategiesin enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial complex is being considered in the case of the developed economies, without taking into account the specificities of national differences and the level of industrial production at former Soviet Union space, and the role of government regulation.

Keywords: economy; digitalization; factor; model; human capital


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ISSN 2587-9685 (Online)

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